Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Death or Pain?

During lunch time today I read a news regarding a death of an Australian quadriplegic (def: paralysis of all four limbs usually as a result of injury to the spine) who won a landmark legal battle to starve himself to death by refusing food.

I found one statement from him that's really mind-boggling:
"I'm Christian Rossiter and I'd like to die. I am a prisoner in my own body. I can't move, I have no fear of death -- just pain. I only fear pain."

Lots of questions went through my mind after I read it.

Is pain more frightening than death?
Why didn't he feel fearful of death? Was it because he believed that there was nothing after death? Or was it because he believed that he would definitely go to heaven? Did he even believe that heaven and hell exist?

Could fear of pain be used as a justification to end his own life?
Who owns life? Where did he think life came from that he thought that he could take control of his life (and death)?


One question lead to another one that lead to another one....
So on and on and on...

In search for answers...

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