Just wanna share with you a sermon I heard at Sunday Service last week about judgment day. It left me with a question,"How responsible have I been with my life?"
My good friend who's going to the same church with me has allowed me to provide link to her blog *very lazy Ita :p* You could read the summarize of the sermon here. Thanks to Lilis! :)
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Friday, February 27, 2009
Thursday, February 19, 2009
What's Your Hobby?
Oh no... I really miss writing on my blog... Lots of things to talk about!
Must set aside some time >.<
Ok. This is special case. I dunno why, but I feel like I have to share this...
This morning I taught in a class... A one student class... Felt like doing a pivate instead of teaching :)
The student is a Filipino domestic worker. Short, quite plumb, nice, decent, pretty (my Myanmarese colleague kept emphasizing this. Hehe..). She seems young, about 20 yrs old, but when I checked, she has a husband and 2 kids! o.0
In the curriculum, I was told to give some tips on how the newly arriving workers can cope with homesickness, loneliness, and sad feeling. One way to do this is by doing the things they like to do a.k.a doing their hobby.
I gave some examples to her: listening to music, writing diary, reading, etc.
And then I ask a question to her, "What is your hobby? What do you like to do?"
Straightly she answered, " I like reading Bible".
I stunned! A simple answer from a simple girl, yet it gave strong impact.
Then I asked her, "You like reading Bible?"
"Yes.", she replied.
You could hear a big "Wow!" in my heart! !
I mean... I don't think she knows that I'm a Christian... *I don't think my name and my face would make people think that I'm one :p*
And there she was... with courage she firmly stated that her hobby is reading the Bible!
I must admit she is one of a kind.
I definitely NEVER expect that kind of answer coming out of a student I teach. EVERY other domestic workers I have asked before (even though they are Catholic Filipino) always gave "standard" answers (listen to music, sing, write).
Then I smiled at her. And I gave a glance to my Myanmarese colleague who is in the room with me (a devout sister in Christ) and found out that she also smiled :)
Then the conversation moved on to how often she reads the Bible (first thing in the morning & night before sleep). I told her that me & my colleague are Christian and I shared with her how we also do the same thing and how GOD's word has always become our source of strength everyday. And she also smiled, maybe because she knew that she is not alone :)
Well... what a day! I must admit I can't stop thinking about it.
I mean... yes I also like reading Bible, but I don't think to the extend that if people ask me my hobby I would answer "Reading the Bible."
Today's incident really make me think, think, and think again...
Must set aside some time >.<
Ok. This is special case. I dunno why, but I feel like I have to share this...
This morning I taught in a class... A one student class... Felt like doing a pivate instead of teaching :)
The student is a Filipino domestic worker. Short, quite plumb, nice, decent, pretty (my Myanmarese colleague kept emphasizing this. Hehe..). She seems young, about 20 yrs old, but when I checked, she has a husband and 2 kids! o.0
In the curriculum, I was told to give some tips on how the newly arriving workers can cope with homesickness, loneliness, and sad feeling. One way to do this is by doing the things they like to do a.k.a doing their hobby.
I gave some examples to her: listening to music, writing diary, reading, etc.
And then I ask a question to her, "What is your hobby? What do you like to do?"
Straightly she answered, " I like reading Bible".
I stunned! A simple answer from a simple girl, yet it gave strong impact.
Then I asked her, "You like reading Bible?"
"Yes.", she replied.
You could hear a big "Wow!" in my heart! !
I mean... I don't think she knows that I'm a Christian... *I don't think my name and my face would make people think that I'm one :p*
And there she was... with courage she firmly stated that her hobby is reading the Bible!
I must admit she is one of a kind.
I definitely NEVER expect that kind of answer coming out of a student I teach. EVERY other domestic workers I have asked before (even though they are Catholic Filipino) always gave "standard" answers (listen to music, sing, write).
Then I smiled at her. And I gave a glance to my Myanmarese colleague who is in the room with me (a devout sister in Christ) and found out that she also smiled :)
Then the conversation moved on to how often she reads the Bible (first thing in the morning & night before sleep). I told her that me & my colleague are Christian and I shared with her how we also do the same thing and how GOD's word has always become our source of strength everyday. And she also smiled, maybe because she knew that she is not alone :)
Well... what a day! I must admit I can't stop thinking about it.
I mean... yes I also like reading Bible, but I don't think to the extend that if people ask me my hobby I would answer "Reading the Bible."
Today's incident really make me think, think, and think again...
"Blessed is the man
who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked
or stand in the way of sinners
or sit in the seat of mockers.
But his delight is in the law of the LORD,
and on his law he meditates day and night."
who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked
or stand in the way of sinners
or sit in the seat of mockers.
But his delight is in the law of the LORD,
and on his law he meditates day and night."
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Sunday, February 8, 2009
GOD is My Source of Strength
Yeah... that's the main theme of my life for this week.
Went through the first week of new job...
It's like starting a new life... I have to deal with different biological clock and also different physical and psychological strains (of course!)
Sleeping 5-6 hours a day... Woke up at 6am... Went home at 10.30ish...
Everyday moving here and there- from Little India office (am) to Jurong East office (pm), classes at Adam Road, Japanese course, Toho, etc.
All the readings & homework, not to mention drama practice...
But... after I went through this week... it's actually not as scary as I thought it would be...
Honestly I was a little bit worried everytime I thought about all of the things that I have to do this week. I was afraid I would give so much burden to my brain & body and afraid that I wouldn't have enough rest.
Friday night I looked like zombie already :p One of my house mate even asked me, "Are you okay? You looked tired" *Maybe because of my panda eyes :)*
At the time that I needed rest more... God provided me a good rest on Saturday (He really know my limit and what I need!)... I should have had a drama practice on Saturday at 4pm but the director canceled it because he was satisfied at the rehearsal we did on Friday night :) So, Saturday after half-day work, I went home and sleep!!!
I had a reflection on my life this week, to answer a question, "Why it was not as 'scary' as I thought?" I found out that the real source of strength for me was not mainly come from the 'additional' sleep on Sat, but from the quiet times I had every morning and the prayer times in the bus on the way to work *I have always had a seat in the bus! Because my bus stop is only one stop from the interchange :)* And... the new habit of writing "spiritual journal" and "prayer lists" that's recommended by my pastor through her sermon at Youth Fellowship the previous week. What's that?
1. Spiritual journal. My pastor told us to start writing journal everyday while we are in the middle of quiet times. When we read the Scripture and something came up to our mind, we have to write it rigt after, so we won't forget.
Spiritual journal contains: things you've done, things you haven't done, things you should do, what you learnt from Scripture reading... basically any thought that come out of your mind during your quiet times!
2. Prayer lists. It's a prayer lists :) that we have to renew everyday. When I started this, EVERYDAY I saw that God answers my prayer and ALSO gave me additional things to pray for. Relationship with God is truly a dynamic one :)
I'm really grateful that I have passed this week well. Thank you, LORD :)
Went through the first week of new job...
It's like starting a new life... I have to deal with different biological clock and also different physical and psychological strains (of course!)
Sleeping 5-6 hours a day... Woke up at 6am... Went home at 10.30ish...
Everyday moving here and there- from Little India office (am) to Jurong East office (pm), classes at Adam Road, Japanese course, Toho, etc.
All the readings & homework, not to mention drama practice...
But... after I went through this week... it's actually not as scary as I thought it would be...
Honestly I was a little bit worried everytime I thought about all of the things that I have to do this week. I was afraid I would give so much burden to my brain & body and afraid that I wouldn't have enough rest.
Friday night I looked like zombie already :p One of my house mate even asked me, "Are you okay? You looked tired" *Maybe because of my panda eyes :)*
At the time that I needed rest more... God provided me a good rest on Saturday (He really know my limit and what I need!)... I should have had a drama practice on Saturday at 4pm but the director canceled it because he was satisfied at the rehearsal we did on Friday night :) So, Saturday after half-day work, I went home and sleep!!!
I had a reflection on my life this week, to answer a question, "Why it was not as 'scary' as I thought?" I found out that the real source of strength for me was not mainly come from the 'additional' sleep on Sat, but from the quiet times I had every morning and the prayer times in the bus on the way to work *I have always had a seat in the bus! Because my bus stop is only one stop from the interchange :)* And... the new habit of writing "spiritual journal" and "prayer lists" that's recommended by my pastor through her sermon at Youth Fellowship the previous week. What's that?
1. Spiritual journal. My pastor told us to start writing journal everyday while we are in the middle of quiet times. When we read the Scripture and something came up to our mind, we have to write it rigt after, so we won't forget.
Spiritual journal contains: things you've done, things you haven't done, things you should do, what you learnt from Scripture reading... basically any thought that come out of your mind during your quiet times!
2. Prayer lists. It's a prayer lists :) that we have to renew everyday. When I started this, EVERYDAY I saw that God answers my prayer and ALSO gave me additional things to pray for. Relationship with God is truly a dynamic one :)
I'm really grateful that I have passed this week well. Thank you, LORD :)
"but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary,
they will walk and not be faint."
They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary,
they will walk and not be faint."
New fans of Michael Card?
Last Saturday I went to Michael Card Live Concert. Before the concert, I honestly never knew who Michael Card was, but now... I'm seriously considering to be one of his fans :p
I like the powerful lyrics of the songs he wrote and the way he sang it-from the bottom of his heart. I believe it came from a deep understanding of the Scripture and wonderful experiences with God. He talked and sang about Genesis (creation), Sara the hopeless old lady :), Leviticus :p, Gomer & Hosea (forgiveness), Zephaniah, Jesus, Simon Peter. About a better freedom, about wisdom & foolishness, about sorrow...
I really learnt a lot.
I managed to take a couple of video. Here is one... *only some parts of the song*
Come Lift Up Your Sorrows
If you are wounded, if you are alone,
If you are angry, if your heart is cold as stone,
If you have fallen and if you are weak,
Come find the worth of God
That only the suffering seek.
Come lift up your sorrows
And offer your pain;
Come make a sacrifice
Of all your shame;
There in your wilderness
He's waiting for you
To worship Him with your wounds,
For he's wounded too.
He has not stuttered, and He has not lied
When He said, "Come unto me,"
You're not disqualified;
When your heavy laden, you may want to depart,
But those who know sorrow are closest to His heart.
In this most Holy Place
He's made a sacred space
For those who will enter in
And trust to cry out to Him;
You'll find no curtain there,
No reason left for fear;
There's perfect freedom here
To weep every unwept tear.
I like the powerful lyrics of the songs he wrote and the way he sang it-from the bottom of his heart. I believe it came from a deep understanding of the Scripture and wonderful experiences with God. He talked and sang about Genesis (creation), Sara the hopeless old lady :), Leviticus :p, Gomer & Hosea (forgiveness), Zephaniah, Jesus, Simon Peter. About a better freedom, about wisdom & foolishness, about sorrow...
I really learnt a lot.
I managed to take a couple of video. Here is one... *only some parts of the song*
Come Lift Up Your Sorrows
If you are wounded, if you are alone,
If you are angry, if your heart is cold as stone,
If you have fallen and if you are weak,
Come find the worth of God
That only the suffering seek.
Come lift up your sorrows
And offer your pain;
Come make a sacrifice
Of all your shame;
There in your wilderness
He's waiting for you
To worship Him with your wounds,
For he's wounded too.
He has not stuttered, and He has not lied
When He said, "Come unto me,"
You're not disqualified;
When your heavy laden, you may want to depart,
But those who know sorrow are closest to His heart.
In this most Holy Place
He's made a sacred space
For those who will enter in
And trust to cry out to Him;
You'll find no curtain there,
No reason left for fear;
There's perfect freedom here
To weep every unwept tear.
"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened,
and I will give you rest"
"The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit,
a broken and contrite heart, o GOD, you will not despise"
and I will give you rest"
"The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit,
a broken and contrite heart, o GOD, you will not despise"
Monday, February 2, 2009
Surprise @First Day of Work
Today is first day of work! But I won't talk about it :p
Why? Because there's something more surprising (and interesting) happened.
This morning my flat mate open the door to go to work and found out that someone did below thing to our house.
Quite terrible, right?
There's also my neighbour's *next door* flat number and a handphone number written on our wall.
Dunno what it means...
Well... I took picture of them in case we need it as a prove in future time :)
Me & flat mates still wondering what happened. We haven't taken any action (call the number written on our wall, or let the house owner or the authority know). And I don't think we will do that. Thank God all of us could face it calmly. If someone has any problem with us, they could just knock our door and and talk with us. So for now I think we'll wait and pray for the person who did this :)
While for me, I'm still wondering on what His plan to allow this happen to us. I really hope someone will come, admit, and willing to have a discussion with us...
Maybe He wants to teach us, or them, something...
Why? Because there's something more surprising (and interesting) happened.
This morning my flat mate open the door to go to work and found out that someone did below thing to our house.
There's also my neighbour's *next door* flat number and a handphone number written on our wall.
Dunno what it means...
Well... I took picture of them in case we need it as a prove in future time :)
Me & flat mates still wondering what happened. We haven't taken any action (call the number written on our wall, or let the house owner or the authority know). And I don't think we will do that. Thank God all of us could face it calmly. If someone has any problem with us, they could just knock our door and and talk with us. So for now I think we'll wait and pray for the person who did this :)
While for me, I'm still wondering on what His plan to allow this happen to us. I really hope someone will come, admit, and willing to have a discussion with us...
Maybe He wants to teach us, or them, something...
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