Sunday, March 29, 2009

Happy Belated Birthday IEC Singapore! :)

IEC Singapore's birthday is close to my birthday. We grew up together. I'm part of her life, and she's part of my life. If you want to talk about my life in Sg, you will never separate it with IEC *berlebihan kagak sih? :p*

I adapted her motto to be my motto in life:

"Blessed to be a blessing"

For me, IEC SINGAPORE means:
I n-depth study of God's Word
E couragement and support
C hrist-likeness

S ee great examples from full-time ministers and fellow believers
I ntegrating God's Word in all aspects of life
N ever give up in doing the best for Him
G oing for the extra mile, out of comfort zone
A ligning life with God's will
P raying correctly
O utreach to people from different walks of life
R eceiving guidance from Holy Spirit
E xperiencing God's love

Thank GOD that He sent me a great partner do HIS work in this world, particularly in Singapore. And for you, I would like to invite you to be part of us! You could find further information on IEC Singapore by clicking here.

Will you promote what's bad to people? No! *unless you are evil :p* That's why I always promote IEC Singapore. I have felt the blessing, and I wanna share the blessing with others *simply living my motto*

O ya, you could also see some videos displayed during IEC Singapore's First Anniversary Celebration!

1 comment:

Janicelees said...

I strongly agree with your IEC SINGAPORE ;).