Monday, August 11, 2008

Choose & Chosen

Don't really like this feeling...
The feeling when you are getting nearer & nearer to the crossroads... when in the end you will have to choose... but not just any choices... It's THE choice... Choice that when you take it, it will hugely change the direction of your life...

Same as when I decided to study International Relations...
Same as when I decided to work in Singapore...

Yeah... I remember...
The fear of not making the best choice... the unknown future... the excitement of 'research'... the longing for HIS Words... the prayers... the tears...

Surprisingly... in the middle of this complicated thought & feeling... a thought came up in my mind...
"Thank GOD that I didn't have to choose for eternity. I WAS CHOSEN!!! :)"
Somehow this thought make me a little bit relieved for a while...

But then the journey still continues...

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