Saturday, September 17, 2011

The Colour of Language

When I learn languages I like, I will have very colourful notes :) I developed this habit since I was in secondary school (junior high school) as at that time I realised that I'm a visual person.  My brain works better when I see colours in my books or notes.

I dare to say that  my English notes are the most colourful  among my friends in junior and senior high school. Unfortunately, my Bahasa Indonesia notes is not that colourful. Hehe... (read carefully above, I told you that it is only for the languages that I like :p )

Here is one proof. Below is picture taken from my Japanese notes (I studied Japanese in 2008 for one year). It's colourful, and you can see pictures also! The sensei (teacher) showed us a lot of cute pictures that helps me to understand better! :) I still keep my Japanese notes hoping that one day I can brush up on my Japanese. Maybe after I finish Hebrew and Greek? :p

So why did I suddenly I bring this up? Because I just finished my two-weeks mid-semester break, and during the break I tried to come up with summary notes for Hebrew and Greek. I spent a few days doing it. Once I started, sometimes I couldn't stop because I really enjoy doing it! Here's the result.
Greek summary

 Hebrew summary

I hope this colourful summary can help me in my study :)

By the way, the point that I would like to make here is that it is very helpful for us to know what type of learner we are: visual, auditory, or kinesthetic. If you have not found out what type of learner you are, it is never too late. Just google "learning style VARK model" and you will get lots of information about it :) VARK model is not the only model. You can try other models, too! :)

Happy learning!  \ ^o^ /

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