I adapted her motto to be my motto in life:
"Blessed to be a blessing"
For me, IEC SINGAPORE means:
I n-depth study of God's Word
E couragement and support
C hrist-likeness
S ee great examples from full-time ministers and fellow believers
I ntegrating God's Word in all aspects of life
N ever give up in doing the best for Him
G oing for the extra mile, out of comfort zone
A ligning life with God's will
P raying correctly
O utreach to people from different walks of life
R eceiving guidance from Holy Spirit
E xperiencing God's love
Thank GOD that He sent me a great partner do HIS work in this world, particularly in Singapore. And for you, I would like to invite you to be part of us! You could find further information on IEC Singapore by clicking here.
Will you promote what's bad to people? No! *unless you are evil :p* That's why I always promote IEC Singapore. I have felt the blessing, and I wanna share the blessing with others *simply living my motto*
O ya, you could also see some videos displayed during IEC Singapore's First Anniversary Celebration!