Thursday, April 22, 2010

A Day with Rev. HR and His Wife

A special call...
A call for total surrender to GOD even on the simplest thing of daily lives...
A call for faith to His providence...
A call for sacrifice... die to yourself and your loved ones...
A call to live for Christ... and bear His cross...
A call to fully understand God's heart... His mercy and compassion...

A day with them has opened my eyes and heart of what God can really do in ordinary people's life. He is undescribably amazing, and I stand here totally in awe of Him and His works.

I believe my Creator knows me well, what I would and wouldn't be able to bear. That is why he did not call me for this particular mission.

Still... He is calling me to do good works that are just right for me...
And yes, just like Rev. HR and his wife who are faithfully doing good works that are right for them, I also want to be faithful to my calling.

"For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do." -Ephesians 2:10-


Anonymous said...

Kok pake inisial?

Ita said...

Karena bloggernya pengen. Hehehe..
Ada beberapa pertimbangan, salah satunya adalah untuk menjaga privasi beliau lebih lanjut, karena pelayanan beliau adalah pelayanan yang cukup riskan. Pemerintah negara dimana beliau melayani bisa saja meng-google namanya waktu beliau apply visa ke negara tersebut dan kalo nyampe blog post ini bisa secara ga langsung mempersulit.