Sunday, November 9, 2008

Only One Life

Baru aja nyanyi lagu "Only One Life" bareng Sanctuary Choir. Nice tune and wonderful lyrics. Remind me AGAIN the purpose of my life and what's the most important thing in life.

It matters so little how much you may own
The places you've been or people that you know
For it all comes to nothing when placed at His feet
It's nothing to Jesus, just memories to me

You can take all the treasures from far away lands
And take all the riches you can hold in your hands
And take all the pleasures your riches can buy
But will it help when it's your time to die?

The days pass so swiftly, the months come and go
The years melt away like new falling snow
Spring turns to summer then summer to fall
Autumn brings winter
Then death come to all

Only one life so soon it will pass
Only what's done for Christ will last
Only one chance to do His will
So give to Jesus all you days
It's the only life that pays
When you recall you have but one life

Gua seneng banget klo ngebahas soal kehidupan dan kematian. Klo gua doa pagi2, ada 2 hal yang diyukuri pertama kali
1. Hal pertama adalah gua masih dikasih kesempatan buat hidup :) It's a gift.
2. Hal kedua karena dikasih kesempatan hidup kedua kalinya yang dimulai 8 taun lalu. It's the greatest gift.
Kehidupan pertama gua tuh hidup yang dipenuhi dengan kegiatan yang sia2, yang ga jelas tujuannya, dan akhir hidupnya ga enak (masuk neraka). Tapi gua dikasih "second chance" buat mengulang hidup baru, hidup yang bertujuan, hidup yang jelas mo kemana akhirnya, hidup yg ga dibatasi kematian.

Gua juga diingetin lagi kalo: Ke tempat2 bagus manapun gua pergi dan orang2 terkenal manapun yang gua temuin, ga bakal banyak berarti apa2 waktu gua mati dan menemui Sang Pencipta...
Gua kan orangnya suka kepengen pergi ke sini, ke situ, negara ini, negara itu, foto2 di sini situ, pengen bisa ngumpulin duit biar bisa jalan2 ke negara2 laen. Terus gua juga orangnya suka bangga banget klo bisa ketemu orang2 terkenal, suka minta foto bareng mereka. *foto mlulu*
Well.. diingetin lagi klo semua hal di atas emang sah2 aja ASALKAN ga dijadiin hal yang paling utama ato penting banget.

Also, while contemplating the lyrics, some verses went through my mind:
"Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain." (I Corinthians 15:58b, NIV)
"But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." (Matthew 6:33)
"Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom" (Psalm 90:12)

Well, you may enjoy the song here. Selamat merenungkan kembali tentang hidup! :)

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